"Who is GLOBALnet?"

GLOBALnet was founded in 1993, as the communications division of GLOBALnet Direct Marketing, based in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with independent representatives nationwide.

GLOBALnet's long distance services include basic and enhanced long distance, toll-free services, calling cards, billing, management and productivity services, competitive intelligence, cost containment and overbilling recovery. We also provide dial-up and high speed internet access, domain name registration, website design and hosting - all with outstanding service and even better prices!

"What does GLOBALnet do?"

GLOBALnet contracts with communications carriers, resellers and other technology companies to buy large volumes of service and resell it at a discount not available directly to the public. In addition, we use our specialized knowledge to save you money - and discover (and recover) refunds due to you from other companies.

"Why haven't I heard of you before?"

Last year, our advertising budget was $5,000.00.  We generate almost 80% of our new customer base by word of mouth referrals from existing clients. That's just the way we like it. We've been able to manage our growth extremely well, without sacrificing our trademark personal service.

Why should I do business with GLOBALnet?

Much of our success can be attributed to the fact that we offer state-of-the-art technology combined with personalized service from our team of knowledgeable consultants. Winners in today's economy provide value to clients through exemplary customer care, advanced technologies and competitive pricing.  We're not one of those fly-by-night companies who make promises they can't keep.  We deliver on our promises.  As a client you will receive:

Advantageous pricing: We understand your hesitancy to risk making changes, especially with the range of choices today. However, our combination of competitive price and unbeatable service are unmatched in the industry and we guarantee it.

Latest Technology And Products: GLOBALnet TeleManagement routinely evaluates how you use our services in order to recommend new products and services to ensure that you receive the best 'bang' for your 'buck.' The advantage to this is clear: When was the last time your current long distance or internet company called (knowing that you were their customer) to offer you a better deal?

Superior Care: The representative assigned to your account will be familiar with all aspects of your account.  Superior care means friendly advice regarding new products and services, and immediate one-call resolution of any issue should you ever experience a problem.

"So what do the big companies like AT&T have to say about small companies like GLOBALnet?

Not only do they like us, but they even happily sell to us!

"Now that FCC regulations permit AT&T services to be resold by others--our biggest competitors are resellers. They're good customers and it makes for a healthy industry. Resellers are a good choice for the buying public to evaluate when they make their purchase decisions."
--- Gary Morgenstern, AT&T Media Relations Manager

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P O Box 1654 - Little River SC 29566-1654 USA
Telephone: Toll-free from North America 1.888.OK.GLOBAL or +1.843.663.4200
Fax: Toll-Free from North America +1.888.371.6985